
Kontrola potpisa prikupljenih za referendum predstavlja nužnost i daje garanciju rezultata
Ljudska prava, najnovije, Svakodnevica

Kontrola potpisa prikupljenih za referendum predstavlja nužnost i daje garanciju rezultata

Hrvatski helsinški odbor za ljudska prava (HHO) jedna je od nevladinih udruga koja se prijavila Ministarstvu uprave sa namjerom i željom sudjelovanja u kontroli potpisa koje su prikupile inicijative za referendum o Istanbulskoj konvenciji  i izbornom zakonu. HHO ozbiljno doživljava provjeravanje potpisa i ne kani odustajati od svoje namjere sudjelovanja u nadzoru kontrole prikupljenih potpisa…

Monster Hunt leads the pack of domestic films breaking records

Monster Hunt leads the pack of domestic films breaking records

Live action fantasy/CGI Monster Hunt has set a new record as the biggest Chinese film everin box office revenue by raking in 1.8 billion yuan ($290.12 million) in ticket sales in theworld’s second-largest movie market. The film has broken several other records, including for highest ticket sales in a single day, asingle day for IMAX, opening…

Small investors flee the market

Small investors flee the market

Nearly one third of small investors, or more than 20million,have fled the turbulent stock market. The number of small investors holding stocks in their accounts slid to 51 million at the end ofJuly from 75 million at the end of June, according to China Securities Depository & ClearingCorp, the government agency that tracks accounts. Shanghai…